Our History
Our History
The Budge Budge Institute of Nursing is a self-financing nursing institute for males under the umbrella Amanat Foundation, Kolkata. Amanat Foundation has been working tirelessly for more than two decades in the field of social welfare and the upliftment of the underprivileged. Amanat Foundation has been consistently striding on the track of education, health and poverty alleviation with a remarkable statewide acceptability and trustworthiness from government, national and international agencies. Amanat got registered under the provision of Indian Trust Act (1982) on ……………. with the Registrar of Assurance, Kolkata. Later the trust also received approval from FCRA, Ministry of Home Affairs, GoI, enabling it to receive Foreign Aid. It also has a status of Income Tax Exemption (both on Donor and Recipient).
Now we have realized that the health care today has challenged of shortage of qualified and efficient nurses particularly male nurses. To overcome this challenge Budge Budge Institute of Nursing is going to start with a GNM program for male students desirous of developing skills with a mandate to produce a cadre of male nursing leaders at the clinical, administrative and academic levels.